
Exhibitions of 2005

Exhibitions of 2005

Visit to The Open air museum of traditional Russian wood Architecture. Kizhi and folklor village Mandrogi

"Exhibition of works by artists/members of 
The St-Petersburg's Union of Artists."April 2005

The 60th Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War
The Museum of the Academy of Fine Art. May 2005

Oleg Lomakin

The 60th Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War   
Exhibition of the Artists – Veterans 
The Exhibition Center of the Union of Artists. May 2005 

The 60th Anniversary of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War
The Museum of the Academy of Art

Traditional Exhibition of the professors of Academy of Art. Museum of Academy. St-Petersburg. April 2005

Exhibition "Anatoli Treskin - restorer and artist". May 2005 
(celebrating his 100th jubilee at the Pavlovsk Palace Museum)

Exhibition of artist Mishchenko at the Union of Artists. St-Petersburg. July 2005

Exhibition of the Degreed Diplomas 2005 at the Museum of St. Petersb. Academy of Fine Art. August 2005

Sergey Rozhnov

Exhibition of yearly student works at the Academy of Fine Arts, St. Petersburg, October 2005

Exhibition of students 

in the Museum of Brodsky. Octobwr 2005

(the artists displaying their work were 3 year students 
of the Academy of Fine Arts in St. Petersburg, Russia)

                                                                     Elizaveta Surikova

Exhibition of Valentin Serovat the Russian Museum in St. Peter., October 2005

Exhibition at the Moscow Academy of Art (Glazunov Institute)
Diploma works done by students in the last 5 years as well as study worksof nudes, portraits and free works by students and teachers in central exhibition hall "Manezh". Summer 2005

Visiting Yaroslavl Museum of Art, September 2005 

Visiting Saratov Museum of Art. September 2005

The Astrakhan Art Museum,  named Kustodiev. September 2005

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